Location: Location
I'm a Lubber Grasshopper,
I plunder gardens like Attila the Hun.
Loggerhead Shrikes are my only predator,
They impale me and leave me to bake in the sun.
(Leaving the Lubber to bake in the sun for a few days degrades the toxin to the point where the Lubber becomes edible to the Shrike.)
Sources: UF/IFAS Featured Creatures - Eastern Lubber GrasshopperI'm a Lubber Grasshopper,
I plunder gardens like Attila the Hun.
Loggerhead Shrikes are my only predator,
They impale me and leave me to bake in the sun.
(Leaving the Lubber to bake in the sun for a few days degrades the toxin to the point where the Lubber becomes edible to the Shrike.)
Photo and text © 2017 Dee Fairbanks Simpson
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