This is probably a Firebush cultivar
Which means it was created through selective breeding.
Attempts are made to produce the brightest and best,
By the color, I'd say they're succeeding!
Photo and text © 2018 Dee Fairbanks Simpson
Blatant plug reminder: David and I are excited to announce that we will be participating in the Shop Small event at the Heritage Center in downtown Vero Beach, this Saturday, November 24th, from 9 a.m.-1:00 p.m. In addition to tours, we will be selling calendars, magnets, and our brand new field guide* (all of which feature my photography), as well as gift packages that include all of the above in a handmade reusable tote bag. as well as gift packages that include all of the above in a handmade reusable tote bag. We hope you will come out and see us, and support us, as well as the many other local businesses who will be there. Visit the Heritage Center facebook page for details.
* The guide is in print as we speak. If it is not available by Saturday, you can pre-order and we will deliver as soon as it's available.

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