I am an Eastern Grey Squirrel
I communicate vocally and by tail flicking.
I eat the nuts, flowers and buds of many species of trees,
And occasionally critters - hey I'm not real picky.
I'm an immature American Bald Eagle
When I sit with the gulls they hardly know that I'm here.
But if I decide to take off flying,
The gulls will also take off in fear.
Over here on the left I am a Laughing gull
The big guys with yellow legs are Ring-bills
Our beaks, legs and feathers are different,
But we both occasionally dine on coquille.
I am a Yellow-rumped Warbler
Like the Swallows, I eat Wax Myrtle berries
In the east I'm known as a Myrtle Warbler
But I like bugs too - my diet, it varies.
I am a Brown Thrasher
I'm in the Mimidae family, like Mockingbirds.
I'm thought to sing over a thousand songs,
I'm glad I don't have to memorize words!
This is Lyonia lucida
Shiny Lyonia is its common name.
It has a very large underground root mass,
Which helps it come back quickly after encountering flames.
This is Twinleaf Nightshade
It is an exotic, Category two.
It grows quite fast, better hope it don't last.
Cause it's leaves and berries can poison you.
I am a Golden Orbweaver
My web doesn't look built, so much as hurled.
This is usually a sign that I'm sick or old
In any case, not long for this world.
This is called a Snowberry
It has showy flowers and showier fruit
It's berries are eaten by many birds, and it's
The host plant for the endangered Miami Blue
I am known as a Cooper's Hawk,
I'm easy to recognize cause my tail is long.
I wear a dark cap on the top of my head
And my wings are rounded and broad.
(Today's very special guest photographer is my big sistah Lynn Blanchard, who took this amazing shot from the house where she was working.)
Location: St. Sebastian River Preserve State Park, Fellsmere
These are the berries of a Wax Myrtle
Well, not so much "berries" as "wax-covered seeds"
But that doesn't matter to Tree Swallows,
This is something on which they love to feed.
I am a female Florida Box Turtle
You can tell because I have brown eyes.
If I was a boy, my eyes would be orange or red,
But we both like to eat crickets and flies.
I'm an immature Black-crowned Night Heron
During the day I can be hard to see.
I'm here in the upper right corner,
Camouflaged amongst branches and leaves.
I'm a female Common Yellowthroat
I hang out in thick vegetation looking for bugs.
Boys know I'm a girl cause I don't have a black mask,
So they don't attack me, they just come looking for love.
Location: Okeechobee, Kissimmee Prairie Preserve State Park
I am a Black-tailed Red Sheet Weaver Spider.
Early in the morning, in the grass covered with dew,
You'll see my intricate web before you see me,
And unfortunate bugs who couldn't break through.
Location: Okeechobee, Kissimmee Prairie Preserve State Park
I am a spider in the genus Mecaphesa
In this genus, there are 52 types.
Some, like me, have the common name "flower spider"
And are hairy with a few red stripes.
(Just to clarify, this is a flower spider, but there are a few spiders in the genus Mecaphesa who go by that common name, and I was not able to ID this positively further than that genus as they all appear very similar.)
Location: Okeechobee, Kissimmee Prairie Preserve State Park
I am Globular Drop snail.
I'm a terrestrial gastropod mollusk
I have an operculum which acts as door,
To keep moisture in, or when I'm just seeking solace.
Location: Okeechobee, Kissimmee Prairie Preserve State Park
We are Giant Milkweed Bug nymphs
Climbing Milkweed is our host plant.
Like Monarchs, we become toxic from eating it,
If predators taste us they go, "Eww, I just can't!"