I'm an adult male Ruby-throated Hummingbird,
You can tell cause my throat is red and bright
I'll drink from hummingbird feeders - but
Clean the feeder often or else I might die.
I am a Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
Where I breed can vary by region
Here in the east I prefer to live near oaks, ash, or maples,
It depends on where's the best eatin'.
I am a White-eyed Vireo,
Though it’s my”spectacles” that are white, not my eyes
My hobbies include singing in thickets
And eating caterpillars, moths, and flies.
Location: St. Sebastian River Preserve State Park, Fellsmere
I am a female Splendid Ox Beetle
If I was male, I would have a horn
Someday I’ll lay eggs in a burrow underground
And my larvae will eat roots after they're born.
I am a male Magnificent Frigatebird
You know I'm male cause you can see my gular sac
I inflate my sac when I'm looking for love
And all the girl birds are gobsmacked.
I am an immature Brown Pelican
You can tell cause my head is brown
I live on the coast, I don't like to boast
But I can dive from 65 feet and not drown!
We are a pair of adult Brown Pelicans
We use our gular sacs as a fishing net
We dive in head first, with fish we emerge Nous ne mangeons pas comme une alouette
Special thanks to Heather Stapleton for the translation assistance.
This is known as Bur-Marigold,
It grows well near ponds and streams
And although shown here is a Plushback Fly,
This plant has special value to native bees.*
* To quote the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, "special value" is defined as "Recognized by pollination ecologists as attracting large numbers of native bees."
I am Red-bellied Woodpecker
Though my red belly is not always evident
But take a look at my forehead and crown
You will see the red there is quite prevalent.
I am known as a Red-shouldered Hawk
I make a loud screech that you might have heard.
I have a hooked beak, and big, taloned feet
You might say I'm a buteo-ful bird.
We are a pair of White Ibis
Water depth determines if we can dine -
If it's too deep,
Our prey, we can't reach,
If it's too low - our prey, we won't find.
I am a non-breeding Ruddy Turnstone
If I were breeding I would be more ruddy
When I see a girl I fancy, I do a little prancing,
Then we mate and become life-long buddies.
Location: Jim Woodruff Dam, Gadsden and Jackson counties, Florida/Decatur County, Georgia
I am an Eastern Bluebird
I'm tired and in a bad mood
If I lived in the west,
That would be the best
My kids would stay and help me to raise the next brood.
Location: Jim Woodruff Dam, Gadsden and Jackson counties, Florida/Decatur County, Georgia
I am known as a Lesser Scaup
I'm swimming around with a few of my buddies
If I start to act crazy and do a ballet
It could be amphipods are stuck to my tummy.
This is Sunshine Mimosa
It can be spread through cuttings or seeds
It is host plant to the Little Sulphur butterfly
And it's pollinated by bees.
Look closely at the Google map screen shot. Our amazing friends Karen and Travis build a labyrinth in their back yard, you can see it on the right hand side of the screen shot. This Sunshine Mimosa was right smack in the center of the Labyrinth. Too cool for words.
This is Ilex vomitoria
Its name is intentional, not a fluke
Native Americans used it in a ceremonial tea
Which was consumed in large quantities then puked.