(Ok, that's a terrible rhyme, but in my defense, when I saw how this bird was posed, I thought it looked like one of those scenes from the old movies where the woman hitchhiker shows some leg to get a ride!)
Location: Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge, Bird's Impoundment Trail
I have a strong influence on how salt marshes function
I can now be found as far north as the Gulf of Maine
I'm a climate migrant* due to human dysfunction.
* Read the article linked below. I remember swimming in Maine as a kid. Well, that's a lie. I remember dipping my big toe in the water and screaming cause it was far too cold to swim there. It's scary that the water there is this warm now.
Location: Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge, Bird's Impoundment Trail
I am pleased to announce a new feature on Dee at 8 a.m. I will be releasing videos featuring David where he answers your birding questions. If you would like to ask a question either post a comment here or send mail to Dee directly. We look forward to your questions. Here is our first installment, "Why do some Bald Eagle nests fail?" Enjoy!