Tuesday, September 28, 2021

September 28, 2021

This plant is called Trailing Daisy
It grows in a very dense thicket
It's pretty but an invasive exotic
To kill it, grab it by the roots and pick it. 

(To quote the linked article: "Mowing or slashing of wedelia infested areas should be avoided. This may cause the development of new plants. Uproot the weed from the areas where it grows, followed by an application of glyphosate on the infested area. The sites will need to be rechecked to insure that it has been successfully eradicated, and sprays applied to the whole site when any plants are found. Young seedlings and small plants may be hand pulled, but be sure to remove roots and rhizomes.

Wedelia spp. has no known biological control agents.")
Location: Jungle Trail, Vero

Sources: https://plants.ifas.ufl.edu/plant-directory/sphagneticola-trilobata/

Photo and text © 2021 Dee Fairbanks Simpson

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