Thursday, September 9, 2021

September 9, 2021

I am another Rock Pigeon, 
I am both feral and a synanthrope
That means I can live well with humans
Others can too - with a better design approach.

(The cool thing about writing this blog is that I never know what interesting things I will come across. In this case, I was noticing in my pictures from my day at Jetty Park the wide variations in the Rock Pigeon plumages, and intended to write about that. So, I was looking for a scientific article to reference, when I came across one that mentioned Rock Pigeons are "synanthropic". I was unfamiliar with the word, so started researching that, which led me to the web site linked below, which I thought was super interesting and a bit more timely. If you enjoy the concept, check out the other bird-related articles on the same site, also linked below. )

Location: Jetty Park, Cape Canaveral

Sources:  I had to bookmark this page as I wanted to get my blog done sometime this year! So many interesting ideas.

Photo and text © 2021 Dee Fairbanks Simpson

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