Saturday, August 31, 2024

August 31, 2024

I am a Variegated Fritillary
You can find me in parklands and roadsides 
Maypop is one of my host plants
Low and erratic is the way that I fly.

Location: Private residence, Blountston, FL


Photo and text © 2024 Dee Fairbanks Simpson

If you are reading and enjoying this blog, please consider supporting me on Patreon at, or purchase my current book, The Rhyming Guide to Florida Spiders (details at Thank you for being a reader and friend of Dee at 8 A.M.

Friday, August 30, 2024

August 30, 2024

I am a Groundselbush Beetle
I'm named for the plant that's my host
I'm not called a skeletonizer for nothing
I can eat on that plant till it's smoked.

Location: Private residence, Blountston, FL


Photo and text © 2024 Dee Fairbanks Simpson

If you are reading and enjoying this blog, please consider supporting me on Patreon at, or purchase my current book, The Rhyming Guide to Florida Spiders (details at Thank you for being a reader and friend of Dee at 8 A.M.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

August 29, 2024

I am a young female Yellow Garden Spider
I’m small and thin, but still larger than fellows
When I’m grown up my legs will be mostly black
And my body will be black and yellow.

Location: Private residence, Blountston, FL


Photo and text © 2024 Dee Fairbanks Simpson

If you are reading and enjoying this blog, please consider supporting me on Patreon at, or purchase my current book, The Rhyming Guide to Florida Spiders (details at Thank you for being a reader and friend of Dee at 8 A.M.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

August 28, 2024

I am a male Northern Bobwhite
I'm short and plump and my tummy's white speckled.
My face is black and white striped,
And my wings have darker brown freckles.

I am a female Northern Bobwhite
2.5 million year old fossils of me exist
Cavemen would have used a stone tablet and chisel
To add me to their birding life list!

Location: Private residence, Blountston, FL


Photo and text © 2024 Dee Fairbanks Simpson

If you are reading and enjoying this blog, please consider supporting me on Patreon at, or purchase my current book, The Rhyming Guide to Florida Spiders (details at Thank you for being a reader and friend of Dee at 8 A.M.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

August 27, 2024

I am a Green Lynx Spider
I'm bright green and blend in with nature
Except for the long black hairs on my legs -
It looks like I could use a razor.

Location: Private residence, Blountston, FL


Photo and text © 2024 Dee Fairbanks Simpson

If you are reading and enjoying this blog, please consider supporting me on Patreon at, or purchase my current book, The Rhyming Guide to Florida Spiders (details at Thank you for being a reader and friend of Dee at 8 A.M.

Monday, August 26, 2024

August 26, 2024

I am a Twin-flagged Jumping Spider
I’m named for my two white “flags”
Although they aren’t too clear in this photo
You can see them when my pedipalps wag.

Location: Private residence, Blountston, FL

Photo and text © 2024 Dee Fairbanks Simpson

If you are reading and enjoying this blog, please consider supporting me on Patreon at, or purchase my current book, The Rhyming Guide to Florida Spiders (details at Thank you for being a reader and friend of Dee at 8 A.M.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

August 25, 2024

I am a baby Eastern Cottontail
I'm about the size of a tennis ball
I am the most widespread of all bunnies but, 
When this young you might miss me, I'm so small.

Location: Pearson Park Dr, Oregon, O

Photo and text © 2024 Dee Fairbanks Simpson

If you are reading and enjoying this blog, please consider supporting me on Patreon at, or purchase my current book, The Rhyming Guide to Florida Spiders (details at Thank you for being a reader and friend of Dee at 8 A.M.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

August 24, 2024

I am a Tuft-legged Orbweaver
You can find me in forests and grass
I am tiny but I build twelve inch webs
Which work great as dinner time traps.

Location: Howard Marsh Metropark, Curtice, OH


Photo and text © 2024 Dee Fairbanks Simpson

If you are reading and enjoying this blog, please consider supporting me on Patreon at, or purchase my current book, The Rhyming Guide to Florida Spiders (details at Thank you for being a reader and friend of Dee at 8 A.M.

Friday, August 23, 2024

August 23, 2024

I am known as a Mute Swan
Trumpeters are about twice the size of me
Although I'm smaller, I have a huge appetite
For aquatic grasses and weeds.

Location: Howard Marsh Metropark, Curtice, OH


Photo and text © 2024 Dee Fairbanks Simpson

If you are reading and enjoying this blog, please consider supporting me on Patreon at, or purchase my current book, The Rhyming Guide to Florida Spiders (details at Thank you for being a reader and friend of Dee at 8 A.M.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

August 22, 2024

I am a Wilson's Phalarope
I stop to molt in the middle of migration
When I take this molt break
I gain so much weight
Researchers can hand-grab me for evaluation.

(This was one of the life birds I picked up at the Biggest Week festival in May.)

Location: Howard Marsh Metropark, Curtice, OH


Photo and text © 2024 Dee Fairbanks Simpson

If you are reading and enjoying this blog, please consider supporting me on Patreon at, or purchase my current book, The Rhyming Guide to Florida Spiders (details at Thank you for being a reader and friend of Dee at 8 A.M.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

August 21, 2024

I am known as a Trumpeter Swan
At 25 pounds, I'm a very large bird
I need a hundred meters to get myself aloft
And take off sounds like a galloping horse herd.

Location: Howard Marsh Metropark, Curtice, OH


Photo and text © 2024 Dee Fairbanks Simpson

If you are reading and enjoying this blog, please consider supporting me on Patreon at, or purchase my current book, The Rhyming Guide to Florida Spiders (details at Thank you for being a reader and friend of Dee at 8 A.M.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

August 20, 2024

This plant is Trifolium incarnatum
Commonly known as Crimson Clover
Livestock will eat
It's flowers and seeds
Whenever they come walking over.

(If you are between 60 and 80 years old, you are singing the Tommy James and the Shondells song right now. You know you are.)

Location: Howard Marsh Metropark, Curtice, OH


Photo and text © 2024 Dee Fairbanks Simpson

If you are reading and enjoying this blog, please consider supporting me on Patreon at, or purchase my current book, The Rhyming Guide to Florida Spiders (details at Thank you for being a reader and friend of Dee at 8 A.M.

Monday, August 19, 2024

August 19, 2024

I am known as a Veery
In the summer I eat fruits and berries
When I'm breeding, I eat mostly insects
And I'll eat a frog if I'm feeling big and scary.

Location: Magee Marsh Wildlife Area, Oak Harbor, OH


Photo and text © 2024 Dee Fairbanks Simpson

If you are reading and enjoying this blog, please consider supporting me on Patreon at, or purchase my current book, The Rhyming Guide to Florida Spiders (details at Thank you for being a reader and friend of Dee at 8 A.M.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

August 18, 2024

These are Turkey-tail mushrooms
So called because they resemble a turkey tail
They are common in North American woods
Where trees with hardwood prevail. 

Location: Magee Marsh Wildlife Area, Oak Harbor, OH


Photo and text © 2024 Dee Fairbanks Simpson

If you are reading and enjoying this blog, please consider supporting me on Patreon at, or purchase my current book, The Rhyming Guide to Florida Spiders (details at Thank you for being a reader and friend of Dee at 8 A.M.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

August 17, 2024

I am an adult Brown-headed Cowbird
Shown here, with my mate, on the right.
I like to eat seeds
From grasses and weeds
She eats snails and eggs when the timing is right. 

(Note: As described in the linked article, because females can lay over 3 dozen eggs in a season, they have high calcium requirements. During breeding season they will eat other birds eggs to satisfy this need.)

Location: Oak Openings Preserve Metropark, Swanton, OH


Photo and text © 2024 Dee Fairbanks Simpson

If you are reading and enjoying this blog, please consider supporting me on Patreon at, or purchase my current book, The Rhyming Guide to Florida Spiders (details at Thank you for being a reader and friend of Dee at 8 A.M.

Friday, August 16, 2024

August 16, 2024

I am a Common Garter Snake
On a log, I'm easily concealed
My color can vary
My skin isn't hairy
But I do have scales that are keeled*.

*Keeled means that the scales have a raised ridge, similar to the keel of a ship.

Location: Magee Marsh Wildlife Area, Oak Harbor, OH


Photo and text © 2024 Dee Fairbanks Simpson

If you are reading and enjoying this blog, please consider supporting me on Patreon at, or purchase my current book, The Rhyming Guide to Florida Spiders (details at Thank you for being a reader and friend of Dee at 8 A.M.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

August 15, 2024

I'm known as a Brown Thrasher
I nest in thickets and hedgerows
I like to eat arthropods, seeds and nuts
And berries right off the bush where they grow.

Location: Magee Marsh Wildlife Area, Oak Harbor, OH


Photo and text © 2024 Dee Fairbanks Simpson

If you are reading and enjoying this blog, please consider supporting me on Patreon at, or purchase my current book, The Rhyming Guide to Florida Spiders (details at Thank you for being a reader and friend of Dee at 8 A.M.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

August 14, 2024

We are known as Barn Swallows
Here's an interesting bit of history:
Many swallows were lost to the millinery trade
The term "fashion" remains a mystery.

Note: I spent WAY too long researching this one. On the Cornell site,  it says, "Although the killing of egrets is often cited for inspiring the U.S. conservation movement, it was the millinery (hat-making) trade’s impact on Barn Swallows that prompted naturalist George Bird Grinnell’s 1886 Forest & Stream editorial decrying the waste of bird life. His essay led to the founding of the first Audubon Society."  This seemed a little odd to me. I googled it, and it was clear that every article that mentions this "fact" used the Cornell site as a resource.  

The Cornell Birds of the World site cites the book Birds of the America, Vol 3 as their source for the Barn Swallow quote. I found Birds of the America, Vol 3 online, and it (see the link below) has pretty much the same quote referencing the Forest & Stream article.

So, I went and checked out another of my favorite sources,, which just happens to have every back issue of Forest & Stream magazine. I found a few references from 1886. The earliest editorial regarding the millinery trade (see link below) references the Sea-swallow, which I believe is now called either a Storm Petrel or Common Tern (either way, it was not a Barn Swallow). A later article mentions "...gulls, and terns, and herons, and even our swallows and native sparrows, our orioles and thrushes". That reference appears to be about what we call swallows.  I also found the article that called for the creation of the Audubon Society (also linked below). 

But, to summarize - the millinery trade affected many birds, but I could not find any reference that made it seem like George was really into Barn Swallows. He was just angry about the crazy number of birds that were being slaughtered for no valid reason. 

Location: Magee Marsh Wildlife Area, Oak Harbor, OH

Sources:  (page 88)

Photo and text © 2024 Dee Fairbanks Simpson

If you are reading and enjoying this blog, please consider supporting me on Patreon at, or purchase my current book, The Rhyming Guide to Florida Spiders (details at Thank you for being a reader and friend of Dee at 8 A.M.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

August 13, 2024

I am an adult male Purple Martin
I am the largest of all of the swallows
If natural cavities don't exist I live
In boxes built by Martin aficionados. 

Location: Magee Marsh Wildlife Area, Oak Harbor, OH


Photo and text © 2024 Dee Fairbanks Simpson

If you are reading and enjoying this blog, please consider supporting me on Patreon at, or purchase my current book, The Rhyming Guide to Florida Spiders (details at Thank you for being a reader and friend of Dee at 8 A.M.

Monday, August 12, 2024

August 12, 2024

I'm an adult male Tree Swallow
If I was female, I would have more brown
If I was young, I'd be solid brown with a white tummy
We have black masks that do not go all the way round.

Location: Magee Marsh Wildlife Area, Oak Harbor, OH


Photo and text © 2024 Dee Fairbanks Simpson

If you are reading and enjoying this blog, please consider supporting me on Patreon at, or purchase my current book, The Rhyming Guide to Florida Spiders (details at Thank you for being a reader and friend of Dee at 8 A.M.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

August 11, 2024

I am known as a House Wren
I'm cleaning up my new house
Cleaning is never a pleasant chore
But it's worse when use your mouth!

Location: Oak Openings Preserve Metropark, Swanton, OH


Photo and text © 2024 Dee Fairbanks Simpson

If you are reading and enjoying this blog, please consider supporting me on Patreon at, or purchase my current book, The Rhyming Guide to Florida Spiders (details at Thank you for being a reader and friend of Dee at 8 A.M.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

August 10, 2024

I am an Orange Sulphur Butterfly
In America, I'm ubiquitous to an extent
You can find me in vacant lots and clover fields
My caterpillars can leave alfalfa distressed.

Location: Oak Openings Preserve Metropark, Swanton, OH


Photo and text © 2024 Dee Fairbanks Simpson

If you are reading and enjoying this blog, please consider supporting me on Patreon at, or purchase my current book, The Rhyming Guide to Florida Spiders (details at Thank you for being a reader and friend of Dee at 8 A.M.

Friday, August 9, 2024

August 9, 2024

I'm an American Robin
You can find me from Alaska to the Florida Keys
In fact, anywhere in North America
Where there are invertebrates and berries to eat.

Location: Oak Openings Preserve Metropark, Swanton, OH


Photo and text © 2024 Dee Fairbanks Simpson

If you are reading and enjoying this blog, please consider supporting me on Patreon at, or purchase my current book, The Rhyming Guide to Florida Spiders (details at Thank you for being a reader and friend of Dee at 8 A.M.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

August 8, 2024

I am an Olive-sided Flycatcher
I am the largest pewee
Yes, I know that's an oxymoron
But Pewee's my genus, so don't blame me.

Location: Oak Openings Preserve Metropark, Swanton, OH


Photo and text © 2024 Dee Fairbanks Simpson

If you are reading and enjoying this blog, please consider supporting me on Patreon at, or purchase my current book, The Rhyming Guide to Florida Spiders (details at Thank you for being a reader and friend of Dee at 8 A.M.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

August 7, 2024

I am known as an American Redstart
I've got a wide, flat bill
My tail is long and club-shaped
If it doesn't impress you, my singing voice will.

Location: Oak Openings Preserve Metropark, Swanton, OH


Photo and text © 2024 Dee Fairbanks Simpson

If you are reading and enjoying this blog, please consider supporting me on Patreon at, or purchase my current book, The Rhyming Guide to Florida Spiders (details at Thank you for being a reader and friend of Dee at 8 A.M.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

August 6, 2024

I am an Eastern Chipmunk
I am small but can be quite vocal
I can trill, chuck and chip for a half hour
These are warning calls - I'm not being social.

Location: Oak Openings Preserve Metropark, Swanton, OH


Photo and text © 2024 Dee Fairbanks Simpson

If you are reading and enjoying this blog, please consider supporting me on Patreon at, or purchase my current book, The Rhyming Guide to Florida Spiders (details at Thank you for being a reader and friend of Dee at 8 A.M.

Monday, August 5, 2024

August 5, 2024

I am a Hairy Woodpecker
I eat insects and moth pupa cocoons
I also drink sap and sugarcane
If I had teeth, I would have a sweet tooth!

Location: Oak Openings Preserve Metropark, Swanton, OH


Photo and text © 2024 Dee Fairbanks Simpson

If you are reading and enjoying this blog, please consider supporting me on Patreon at, or purchase my current book, The Rhyming Guide to Florida Spiders (details at Thank you for being a reader and friend of Dee at 8 A.M.

Sunday, August 4, 2024

August 4, 2024

I am known as a Downy Woodpecker
My friends include Nuthatches and Chickadees
You might overlook me in a mixed flock - 
Nuthatches are almost the same size as me. 

Location: Oak Openings Preserve Metropark, Swanton, OH


Photo and text © 2024 Dee Fairbanks Simpson

If you are reading and enjoying this blog, please consider supporting me on Patreon at, or purchase my current book, The Rhyming Guide to Florida Spiders (details at Thank you for being a reader and friend of Dee at 8 A.M.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

August 3, 2024

I am known as a Fox Squirrel
I'm grey, but some of my relatives are black
I have sharp, recurved claws for climbing
"Recurved" just means they point back.

Location: Howard Marsh Metropark, Curtice, OH


Photo and text © 2024 Dee Fairbanks Simpson

If you are reading and enjoying this blog, please consider supporting me on Patreon at, or purchase my current book, The Rhyming Guide to Florida Spiders (details at Thank you for being a reader and friend of Dee at 8 A.M.

Friday, August 2, 2024

August 2, 2024

I'm an American Red Squirrel
I'm smaller than squirrels that are grey
There is a reason
I only mate once per season
I'm only in estrus for one very short day. 

Location: Oak Openings Preserve Metropark, Swanton, OH


Photo and text © 2024 Dee Fairbanks Simpson

If you are reading and enjoying this blog, please consider supporting me on Patreon at, or purchase my current book, The Rhyming Guide to Florida Spiders (details at Thank you for being a reader and friend of Dee at 8 A.M.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

August 1, 2024

This is Sundial Lupine
It is purple with long stalks of flowers.
It helps soil fertility
And it's a  possibility
By butterflies or birds it will be devoured.

Location: Oak Openings Preserve Metropark, Swanton, OH


Photo and text © 2024 Dee Fairbanks Simpson

If you are reading and enjoying this blog, please consider supporting me on Patreon at, or purchase my current book, The Rhyming Guide to Florida Spiders (details at Thank you for being a reader and friend of Dee at 8 A.M.